Thursday, May 26, 2011

Road Trip Day 3

Let me sum today up rather quickly...
  1. Driving through Wyoming may have been the most monotonous thing I've ever done in the world.  Cheyenne was just the icing on a poo-poo cake.  I drove from Ogden, UT this morning to just outside Cheyenne before Chris took over.
  2. We are staying in Denver to get a good night sleep and see what we can accomplish tomorrow.
  3. CJ has just about had it with the car I think - he has had two big meltdowns today - the worst one as we pulled up to the hotel and Chris ran in to check us in.  I think it lasted the better part of 30-45 minutes and may have caused delays at Denver International Airport.  Sorry!
  4. Had "fun" smuggling the cats in again.  If I never had to do that again, it would be too soon.
  5. If we have to stay the night in Oklahoma City tomorrow, 3 1/2 hours out of Frisco, I may just cry.
Tomorrow is a new day.  A better day.  A lot of prayers needed for Chris, CJ and I for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. We feel your pain, sort of. Nothing can compare to actually being there. Take your time, be safe. Hugs and kisses to all. Mapquest says you've got 1267 miles in your rear view mirror. That's incredible.
